Lashon Hurrah Is a not-so-silent killer.

In the Hebrew tradition, Lashon Hara, or the evil tongue, is considered a grave sin, equal in severity to murder, idolatry, and adultery. The concept of Lashon Hara extends beyond gossip or slander, encompassing any form of speech that harms another person, even if true. One Sage states that Lashon Hurrah not only “MURDERS” the reputation of the person whose character and reputation is under attack by the one that is speaking with an evil tongue. It also stains or destroys the sole of the one who has allowed evil to be spoken from their lips, depending on the severity. Thirdly it also stains the person who has listened to the evil and allowed it to diminish the subject in their mind in any way. This is especially true when Lashon Hurrah is spoken against a spiritual leader such as a teacher, pastor, or Rabbi.

Gossiping about “men/women of God” who the father has clearly placed in a position of authority is particularly problematic, as it can undermine their spiritual authority and damage their reputation. The Talmud warns that speaking ill of Torah scholars is akin to speaking ill of God Himself (Bava Metzia 58b). This emphasizes the importance of treating spiritual leaders with respect and kindness, even if we disagree with their views or actions.

Recently I re-taught an 8-hour teaching that I have entitled “covenant relationship”. In this teaching, we begin in Genesis Chapter 2 at the creation of man and walk forward through scripture developing the leadership role of the man in the home. For the first 7 hours of this teaching, it is very pointed at men and their failure to lead their wives and children in righteousness and Holiness. That 98% of every failure in a believing home can be traced back to men failing to step into the proper form of leadership in their home. That being the Servant leader as demonstrated by Yeshua.

I develop a very core teaching for the messianic community which seems to only have two sides to the leadership roles of men in believing homes. #1 doesn’t lead at all, we are complete equals on every level which is what most women want and desire but is the #1 one thing destroying marriages in the messianic faith. #2 is quickly becoming worse than #1 though. And it is the control freak micro-managing, forced submission type of leadership. I have said hundreds of times that forced submission by a husband, a teacher, a Pastor, or a Rabbi is not Submission but control, and anyone who subjugates that which belongs to YHVH will face his judgment for doing so.

I am not doing that teaching here I only state this because it is the last 1hr of this 8hr teaching that has gone crazy and caused so many people both male and female to participate in Lashon Hurrah against this ministry and myself personally. This final hour of the “Covenant Relationship” teaching focuses on the role of a woman professing Godliness in her home and the trigger word “SUBMISSION” how dare a man who is supposed to be the object of the woman’s submission dare try and define what that should look like and use scripture to back it up.

See Right there even as gently as I put that I know it has provoked a response in a lot of women who carry around a spirit of offence or who are just fully surrendered and working in a Jezebel spirit. And most of them will stop reading right there and without seeing that this article if taken as a whole statement is a protection for them in the same way a proper ketubah is as long as she understands her role and is operating in it in the way that the father designed for them at the fall with his Judgment, that Her desire would be turned from YHVH and be toward her Husband and that “HER HUSBAND” will rule over her.

The Hebrew perspective on Lashon Hara serves as a reminder that our words have the power to build or destroy. And this is nowhere demonstrated greater than in the mouth of a woman. Her husband can have the worst Job not be the best provider or the best protector but the words of that woman affirming her love and respect for him can change him from the inside in ways that most would never believe possible. A simple I am proud of you and the effort that you make for this family is not taken lightly and can change the whole dynamic of a marriage.

We must use our speech to uplift and inspire others, rather than tearing them down. By being mindful of the impact of our words, we can create a more compassionate and harmonious community, where everyone is treated with dignity and respect.

In the Torah, the overarching role of the godly women is that women are obligated to submit to their husbands. They are not considered equal partners in the marital relationship in that they have the same responsibility and duties, as the world and secular Judaism would suggest, but rather that the man is the head of the home and the godly woman knows that she is the most powerful force in her husband’s role as the leader. She can bring peace to a home that is in absolute peril by speaking words of wisdom and affirmation to him. Or she can destroy it by allowing her mind to think he is weak and inferior to lead her. Because she is so close to him, she must have the ability to see past his failures to the leader that Yahweh has called him to be. It is through her submitting to him in his perceived failures that he will hopefully see his need to be a stronger leader, protector, and provider.

However, the Talmud teaches that a wife’s wisdom and grace can help bring peace and harmony to the home (Shulchan Aruch, Even HaEzer 66:2). Submission, in this context, means respecting and supporting each other, not compromising one’s autonomy or dignity. As many of these women are going around and openly committing Lashon Harrah against me by taking things, I have said 100% out of context or just blatantly lying on me. Like someone recently said, that, I said. “If your husband tells you to make him a ham Sandwich you better make it and if he wants you to eat it with him you better eat it” I am telling you I have NEVER taught this and it is a Blatant lie. I know who did say it and it was a woman who said it but somehow it was attributed to myself.

Lashon hara is a fundamental concept in Jewish ethics, warning against the damage that gossip and slander can inflict on individuals and communities. While Genesis 3:16 primarily addresses the consequences of the Fall for women, it offers a valuable perspective on the broader theme of human relationships and the ethical implications of speech, particularly regarding women’s gossip about men of God.

I do not Teach the Mainstream version of marriage that has led to the failure of over 60% of marriages in the first 15 years with more than 80% of that number attributed to the first 5 years. I believe this is because the true biblical model of marriage has all but disappeared from our society and it is the job of Torah Scholars, Rabbis, and teachers to restore at least the true Teachings concerning the biblical roles in marriage whether people choose to adopt them or not.

My Job as a Shepherd and Rabbi Is Just to present the Torah free from Societal pressure and social norms. I will tell you that I may still feel differently personally about some of these topics but I do not have the luxury of teaching my feeling and manipulating people with emotions to like me. I have to present exactly what the Torah conveys on any given topic regardless of my personal feelings or failures. Many times, the father is teaching me at the same time he is using me to teach others. Just because I present teaching in a very “matter of Fact” way does not mean I expect the hearer to take my understanding and uproot their whole lives all at once so they can walk in a new understanding that I myself may be struggling to accomplish since he showed me. It is a process and as I always say when teaching one of these new concepts. “I am presenting to you a fish eat the meat as much as you can handle at this sitting but spit out the bones”

In Jewish tradition, women have often been seen as central to the home and community. This centrality means that women’s words carry significant weight. The Talmud, a core text of Rabbinic Judaism, repeatedly addresses the dangers of lashon hara, emphasizing the severe consequences of slander and gossip. Historically, women’s close-knit social circles could sometimes become fertile ground for gossip. When this gossip targets men of God, it becomes particularly egregious, as it not only damages reputations but also undermines spiritual authority and community cohesion. The ethical imperative to avoid lashon hara is thus heightened in these contexts, underscoring the profound impact of speech.

Jewish law, or Halacha, provides detailed guidelines on lashon hara, prohibiting harmful speech irrespective of its truth. The Chofetz Chaim, Rabbi Israel Meir Kagan, was a prominent advocate for the meticulous observance of these laws, stressing the spiritual and communal harm caused by lashon hara. His works underscore the necessity of guarding one’s tongue, particularly when discussing others, including men of God.

Genesis 3:16 speaks to the altered dynamics between men and women post-fall, introducing elements of pain, desire, and hierarchical relationships. These dynamics can influence how gossip and lashon hara manifest in social interactions. The verse implies a struggle and tension that can sometimes find expression in harmful speech, particularly in contexts where power and respect are at play, such as in discussions about spiritual leaders.

The underlying concepts expressed in the Torah and Jewish tradition hold women in high regard as moral and spiritual influencers within the home and community. The ideal woman, as described in Proverbs 31, speaks with wisdom and kindness, embodying the positive potential of speech. This contrasts sharply with the destructive nature of lashon hara, highlighting the dual potential of women’s words to either harm or heal.

Now Understand that I am mentioning women because it was women who have chosen to raise their heal against this ministry and myself personally this time, but men are not immune to this and the Men who sat around and listened to these conversations take place only solidified their lack of leadership in their homes and exposes that some of them, have motivations to build their own kingdoms by seemingly gathering dirt on other ministries. YHVH Rebuke them. They do this because in their mind there are only 10 fish in the pond and if they can pollute the other fisherman’s bait, they may have the opportunity to attract the fish. Yeah, his bait is not good for you. When the real fisherman was not offering bait but rather medicine.

In the context of (Lashon Hurrah) gossiping about men of God, the responsibility is even greater. Women’s speech can uphold or undermine the respect and sanctity due to spiritual leaders. Most of the time it is the women who progresses faster in their faith because the Husband is out providing and protecting. So, the man normally has learned to rely on his wife in making his learning curve a shorter process because he has trusted her in the past and she has been proven to be right. This however has positive and negative consequences. It is just one more way he has learned to abdicate his role as the leader of his home. Thus, the ethical teachings on lashon hara urge women to use their influence positively, fostering respect and harmony rather than discord. So, she does not cause her covering to stand in opposition to Yahweh not even realizing he is doing anything wrong.

Lashon hurrah remains a crucial concern for maintaining individual and communal well-being. Genesis 3:16, when examined through this ethical lens, underscores the relational dynamics that can exacerbate harmful speech. Women, as key figures in the social and spiritual fabric of their communities, bear a significant responsibility to avoid gossip, particularly about men of God. By embracing the principles of constructive and respectful speech, women can contribute to a more harmonious and spiritually robust community, aligning with the highest ideals of Biblical ethical teachings.

In conclusion, You may be wondering what would cause people who have interacted personally with our community to begin to slander it in public forums and in person with other supposed believers. I will tell you. It is one scripture that I have purposely mentioned throughout this article. That being Genesis 3:16. More specifically two words in that verse. The words Desire and Rule. In the proper context of the scripture, Yahweh Is judging the woman by number one changing her desire which was originally after him to now be after her Husband, and that, In doing so he would no longer rule over her but he would cause her to be ruled by her Husband. And we see this concept furthered in the Torah when it comes to the making of vows. The Torah says that if a woman makes a vow and even if that vow be to YHVH that the husband has the authority to disallow any vow she could possibly make and YHVH himself would not override the man’s decision in the matter but rather he would uphold it.

This infuriated a few women even though it is not my words but is straight from scripture. They can’t blame god and keep the illusion that they are serving him so it is easier for them to label me a false teacher and a Heretic then to self-examine why they refuse to submit to God by abiding in his judgment.

Leviticus 18:4 &5 Ye shall do my judgments, and keep mine ordinances, to walk therein: I am the LORD your God. Ye shall therefore keep my statutes and my judgments: which if a man do, he shall live in them: I am the LORD

These verses affirm that YHVH has “COMMANDED” us to “do” and “keep” his judgments to live in them. So, I made the point by a woman rejecting the rule of her Husband she is in fact rejecting YHVH by rejecting his Judgment that her Husband Shall rule over her. So, a woman who refuses to Submit to the rule of her Husband has Rejected God by violating the Torah and not accepting YHVH’s Judgment over her so ultimately rejecting his rule as well by rejecting her husband’s rule.

We claim to be Torah observant but we can’t get past the first Judgment. Men are abdicating their duty to Rule their wives, and Wives are refusing YHVH’s judgment by not submitting to their husbands. So, if we claim to keep the Torah let’s start with the first commands given in the fall was my point, and that my friends is when all H. E. double hockey sticks broke out. Since then, I have been getting calls from as far as Kansas and Texas whom these women have been running around slandering me to. So even though I said two months ago I wanted to move off this subject because it is too volatile for some, I am now forced to set the record straight.

As many of you know a year ago, I believe the father rebuked me for not defending the ministry that he had entrusted to me. I always took the stance that it’s his ministry he built it he will defend it or he will take it down so I never personally addressed the attacks until then. I am sorry I had to here even though I don’t believe it has come to the point that I have to start naming names I hope this open rebuke will reach its intended purpose and bring about repentance and restoration as that is always the goal. But the Soldier in me will go scorched earth and Die with my boots on if that is what I have to do to defend whatever YHVH has entrusted to me.

I pray that this is the last time I have to address this and for those who are not still reading this for the palace intrigue I hope you have learned something you did not know before about the proper roles in marriage and the dangers of lashon Hurrah.

Shalom covenant keepers and Children of Israel.
Rav James Gillispie

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